Ferrante Ferranti

Ferrante or for the love of Baroque

Ferrante Ferranti was born in 1960 in Algeria to a Sardinian mother and Sicilian father.

By 1978, he was already trying his hand at photography and had visited Italy, Greece, Turkey, and Egypt.

He got a degree in architecture in Paris in 1985 with a concentration on “Baroque theatre and stage design.” His work appears in a number of Dominique Fernandez’s travel books many of which are on Italy.

While Ferranti’s home address may be in Paris, most of his time is spent on the road. This freelance photographer has exhibited widely in Europe, South America, India, and Indonesia. Be sure to check out his portraits of writers on the Agence Opale website.

Ferrante Ferranti

See all pictures of ferrante-ferranti taken by Florence

FLORENCE - Le Duomo avec la coupole de Brunelleschi
FLORENCE – Campanile du Duomo et le Baptistère
FLORENCE – Chapelle Pazzi de Brunelleschi
FLORENCE – Façade de l’église Santo Spirito

See all pictures of ferrante-ferranti taken by Naples

NAPLES – Le Vésuve vu de Sorrente
NAPLES – Vue de la baie
NAPLES – Rue de la Vieille Ville pendant la coupe du Monde
NAPLES – Façade du Gesù Nuovo

See all pictures of ferrante-ferranti taken by Umbria

OMBRIE – Le lac Averna
OMBRIE – Vue générale de Pérouse
OMBRIE – Vue générale d’Assise
OMBRIE – Basilique de Saint François à Assise

See all pictures of ferrante-ferranti taken by Rome

ROME - Tombeau de la Via Appia
ROME - Palatin, arcade de la Domus Augustiana
ROME - Coupole du Panthéon
ROME - Fontaine sur la Place du Panthéon

See all pictures of ferrante-ferranti taken by Sicily

SICILE – Le Stromboli
SICILE- Maisons de Stromboli et, dans le lointain, le Strombolicchio
SICILE – Cratères de l’Etna
SICILE- La vallée des Temples à Agrigento

See all pictures of ferrante-ferranti taken by Tuscany

TOSCANE - Le Balze à Volterra
TOSCANE - Paysage toscan près de Pomarance
TOSCANE - Le Balze à Volterra
TOSCANE - Paysage toscan près de Sienne

See all pictures of ferrante-ferranti taken by Venice

VENISE - Clair de lune sur les coupoles de l'église du Rendentore
VENISE - Reflet dans les canaux
VENISE - Clair de lune sur la Salute
VENISE - Coucher de soleil
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