Our destinations ITALY Tuscany Apartments for 3-4 people TERESA HS - EXCLUSIVITE LOCAPPART

ITALY - Tuscany - TERESA HS - EXCLUSIVITE LOCAPPARTApartments for 3-4 people

  • See the photo  of the apartment 0 TERESA HS - EXCLUSIVITE LOCAPPART
    Location appartement Toscane - TERESA - Le logement TERESA au sein de la RIVERSIDE VILLA
  • See the photo  of the apartment 1 TERESA HS - EXCLUSIVITE LOCAPPART
    Location appartement Toscane - TERESA - Patio menant au séjour
  • See the photo  of the apartment 2 TERESA HS - EXCLUSIVITE LOCAPPART
    Location appartement Toscane - TERESA - Le séjour
  • See the photo  of the apartment 3 TERESA HS - EXCLUSIVITE LOCAPPART
    Location appartement Toscane - TERESA - Le séjour et la cuisine

Apartment type : 4 rooms / Sleeps : 2 pers. / Floor area : 125 m2
Construction type : Traditional
Neighbourhood : Bagni di Lucca
Availability : April - November

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By car from Lucca (about 27 kms – 35 minutes)

From Lucca just follow the direction to Abetone (Bagni di Lucca is on the road to Abetone) on the Strada Statale 12 (SS12).
There will be turns and crossroads, but signs for Abetone or Bagni di Lucca are always there. Just follow them.
After some tunnels, you should see yourself going along a river. You might cross some bridges, so you see the river alternatively to your left and right side.
After aprox 20 Km from Lucca you will see to you left, a beautiful 13th century bridge called Ponte della Maddalena or Ponte del Diavolo. You are almost there.
After aprox 4 km on the same road you will see the road sign indicating Bagni di Lucca. After a few hundred meters you will see a red light, and the road will get narrower. At the crossroad, turn left on the bridge, and you will be on a small square (with 2 café and a newspaper stand). That's Bagni di Lucca Ponte. Follow to the right, on a road bordered with trees. After aprox. 1km uphill, you will see a Carabinieri station (left) and a tennis club (right). Immediately after, to the right you will see the House (Via Roma 49).


Reaching the house in quite easy.


By car from Lucca (about 27 kms – 35 minutes)


From Lucca just follow the direction to Abetone (Bagni di Lucca is on the road to Abetone) on the Strada Statale 12 (SS12).

There will be turns and crossroads, but signs for Abetone or Bagni di Lucca are always there. Just follow them. 

After some tunnels, you should see yourself going along a river. You might cross some bridges, so you see the river alternatively to your left and right side.

After aprox 20 Km from Lucca you will see to you left, a beautiful 13th century bridge called Ponte della Maddalena or Ponte del Diavolo. You are almost there. 

After aprox 4 km on the same road you will see the road sign indicating Bagni di Lucca. After a few hundred meters you will see a red light, and the road will get narrower. At the crossroad, turn left on the bridge, and you will be on a small square (with 2 café and a newspaper stand). That's Bagni di Lucca Ponte. Follow to the right, on a road bordered with trees. After aprox. 1km uphill, you will see a Carabinieri station (left) and a tennis club (right). Immediately after, to the right you will see the House (Via Roma 49).


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